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  Input Plan

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  RCC Beam Design

  RCC Slab Design

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  Inside Build-Master Bullentins





IP-TR-01. What do I do if the beams are not numbered in the desired fashion?
Solution : Reasons for this may be anyone of the following :


A. Number of Beam Nodes greater than fifteen :
When cross beams meet a main beam it may be divided into number of members, each member will have two nodes. Program can store a beam with maximum fifteen nodes only. A beam having more than fifteen nodes may not be generated by the program. Break this beam into two parts with Cut Beam Vertical and Cut Beam Horizontal commands.


B. This may also happen if you have not used Cut Beam Horizontal and Cut Beam Vertical marks. Build-Master provides facilities like Cut Beam Horizontal or Cut Beam Vertical in the graphical editor to number, separate beams horizontally and vertically. You can use these marks whenever required to achieve correct beam numbering. For figure IP-TR-01 Click Here.


C. Balcony Beam Numbers DO NOT appear properly :
For a long balcony when a common beam is supported by multiple cantilever beams, program may generate it as a single beam. Use Cut Beam Horizontal and Cut Beam Vertical marks to break the beam as desired.

IP-TR-02. What do I do if some of the slabs are not numbered ?
Solution : Reasons for this may be anyone of the following :


A. Internal Angle between adjacent slab sides is greater than 180 deg.: While generating the slab numbers automatically from line sketch of plan, program assumes, that internal angle between two sides of any slab is not greater than 180. L-shaped slabs are therefore not detected by the program. This type of slabs shall be broken into two slabs with a fictitious beam. The size of this fictitious beam shall be very small, e.g. width equal to 50 mm and depth equal to slab thickness. The slab spanning shall be defined such that minimum (or zero) slab load comes on the fictitious beam, as shown in the figure attached. For figure IP-TR-02 Click Here.


B. Number of slab sides greater than fifteen :
If number of slab sides is greater than fifteen as shown in figure IP-TR-03, then program can not store the data for that slab. To avoid this, break the slab into two parts, by adding a fictitious beam in between such that the slabs sides are within limits.


C. Small Gap Along Slab Pheriphery :
If there is a small gap along the periphery of the slab, as shown in the figure, the slab number may not be generated. When the grids are very close and a small line gets deleted by mistake, a gap is created along the slab periphery. This gap may not be visible if a column is present near it. Using SETTINGS menu, make the column size very small (0.01) Almost equal to zero) so that the gap is visible. When the plan is drawn through InputPlan or CAD and the beam lines do not meet each other exactly, such gap may be present in the plan. Use OSNAP menu, End Point Of or Intersection Of in CAD or InputPlan while drawing the beam lines. For figure IP-TR-04 Click Here.

IP-TR-03. What do I do if I want to draw a curved beam in the plan ?
Solution : Build-Master accepts data for inclined straight beams in the plan. When a curved beam is to be entered then it should be broken into straight-line segments. One beam can have maximum upto 15 nodes.

IP-TR-04. When I execute Random mesh Command in the Mesh Data Dialog Box then 'Debug Assertion Failed' message appears on screen.
Solution : This message will appear if the Active-X components are not registered successfully during the installation procedure. In order to register the Active-X Components, execute the Register Active-X Components option provided under the 'utilities' menu of the main program.'

IP-TR-05. Beam and Slab numbers are displayed as B11a, S5a etc.
Solution : When MakeData command is given in Input Plan , the program will ask, "Want to retain existing Beam and Slab Data? Yes/No" If "No" option is selected here then Beam and Slab Data is regenerated from scratch. If "Yes" option is selected, then the existing Data is retained and newly added beams and slabs are numbered with prefixes such as a,b,c etc. To number these beams serially, select ReNumber Beams/Slabs option from Modify RCC Menu of Edit Plan Data.

IP-TR-06. A slab having many nodes is omitted automatically. How can I retain such Slab?
Solution : When the no. of nodes are more than 15 for a particular slab, that Slab is omitted automatically. However if you wish to retain that Slab, break it in 2 or 3 parts to reduce the no. of nodes.



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